Why You Should Always Make Full Use of Courtesy Offers

Why You Should Always Make Full Use of Courtesy Offers

I have a dedicated email address which one buddy of mine saw me checking through the one day and asked me why on earth it is that I have an email address dedicated to junk mail. Well this was the perfect opportunity to educate him because what my friend didn’t know was that this is a special email address dedicated to all the special offers which filter through from the casino industry.

Yes, it does indeed look like a junk mail collector with a lot of the emails I receive getting caught by the spam folder, but there is a method to all that madness! You see alongside the skills you hone and the strategy which you develop as a frequent gambler and especially as a gambler who makes a living out of this casino lifestyle, special offers that filter through from the casino industry are our lifeblood.

When I say professional gambling is a full-time job, I really mean it and sifting through what is admittedly a lot of junk advertising mail is part of this full-time job. I spend a lot of my time analysing these special offers, particularly those which come from those physical and online casinos I’m a member of.

Free stuff you can turn into real value

There are some real gems by way of the special courtesy offers which casinos and the gambling industry at large send to members of their mailing list and knowing exactly what to follow-up on is somewhat of an essential skill one can use to create some real value you can benefit from. On one occasion I endeavoured to take full advantage of every single special offer without prejudice. The result? Flight discounts equalling $56,000, which I used to go on a casino-hopping excursion which was mostly centred on Las Vegas, but included casinos located all over the world, from the Rio in Macao all the way to the Baha Mar Casino & Resort in the Bahamas!

What I also got were some mega discounts on a variety of what makes up casino entertainment, but most importantly I accumulated more loyalty points on all those discounted offers I took, putting myself in line to get even more rewards in future. It’s a case of the rich getting richer — figuratively of course, but I suppose you could interpret that literally…I won’t tell anyone.

Free Betting Credit

I suppose you could have put money on the fact that this is what I’m leading up to, right? Well yeah, free betting credit for the avid gambler such as myself is literally like gold. I mean just take a list of about 20 online casino platforms for example, all of which offer up to 100% and more in deposit-match bonuses. Each normally has a limit of around €200 Euros, so if you deposit €200 x 20 = €4,000, you get a further €4,000 in deposit match bonuses, which for someone like me who eats online casino bonus terms and conditions for lunch, that simply means I get €4,000 in free money, all through just reading and following up on the special offers which come from the casino industry!

by Bobby

Causing waves and making moves, there's no one in the gambling game that compares. From high stakes tables to lucrative online wins. Bobby is the best of the best and has carved a successful career in professional gambling.

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