The Professional Gambler’s Starter-Kit

The Professional Gambler’s Starter-Kit

The biggest mistake people make about gauging the character and operational methodology of a professional gambler is holding the view that the world of professional gambling begins and ends with walking in and out of a casino. Perhaps they’ll even give us the online gambling space as well, in that it perhaps also incorporates logging into and out of your favourite online casino site. It goes way deeper than that however since a whole lot goes into that every next spin.

You’ll need a lot more than just some spare time after work if you want to have any hope of making it as a professional gambler, a path of which the difficulty is aggravated by what is the apparent need to make a success of it from the get go. I mean you have to keep paying your bills, don’t you? So I can sort of understand your frustration if I were to tell you that it takes some time to hone your skills to the level that you can call your gambling exploits professional, but that is indeed how the cookie crumbles.

So if you want to reach a stage where your gambling exploits double-up as some good fun along with making for a consistent source of solid income, there are some bare essentials you’ll need to build up your pro gambler’s repertoire.

A Good Computer

I know you have the internet in your pocket in the form of your smartphone and you perhaps even have a table PC maybe, but you’ll definitely need a good computer if you’ve laid out a terrace at the end of which you’ll be operating as a pro gambler. By a good computer I’m referring to something like a powerful desktop which has a full sized screen, or if you want some portability then a good laptop will do.

You need this for your online gambling because which pro gambler doesn’t do most of their gambling online? It’s not even exclusively about betting online, but rather about using various tools with which you analyse odds, develop and document strategies and just keep up with gambling news. Information and knowledge make up what is the ultimate power in this game.

Loyalty & Rewards Programmes Memberships

That casino loyalty card is the pro gambler’s best friend, along with a list of all the other rewards programmes you can join and take advantage of. Between the loyalty rewards you get and other rewards like free signup bonus credits, therein lies all the leeway you’ll need to hone your skills and develop your strategy in the gambling “real world.” When I was still up-and-coming (dare I say I’m not all the way there, although I’m pretty close) some of my best strategies were developed more by chance than anything else since I was busy trying other strategies and tricks with real money — real money I’d received through the likes of signup bonuses like deposit match credit.

Never underestimate the power of being awarded something like a free stay at the casino’s resident hotel as that goes a long way to offset some of the costs associated with living one’s life out as a travelling pro gambler.

The rest of the time which you’ll spend gambling is backed by hours of behind-the-scenes work doing research and developing your skills and strategies.

by Bobby

Causing waves and making moves, there's no one in the gambling game that compares. From high stakes tables to lucrative online wins. Bobby is the best of the best and has carved a successful career in professional gambling.

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