• 27/04/2018
  • 3 Ways to Sharpen Your Poker Game

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    3 Ways to Sharpen Your Poker Game

    Poker is one of those games whose rules make it simple enough to pick up, yet whose actual gameplay makes the game very difficult to master. Poker is different to many other common forms of gambling, including card games, in that it is not a game of pure luck. Poker does involve some level of luck though, as any reasonably experienced player will have at least one story of a hand that they should have won were it not for the hand of lady fate.…
  • 14/03/2018
  • How to Relax Prior to a Big Poker Game

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    How to Relax Prior to a Big Poker Game

    In order to succeed in poker, you need to be able to face down your opponent with confidence. You need to be able to conceal the excitement of an excellent hand and sell the inflated value of a worthless one. Whatever the situation calls for, you will be much better to play the part you need if you are as relaxed as possible. But with a high-stakes, intense game such as poker, how exactly do you stay relaxed?…
  • 30/08/2017
  • A Quick Guide to the Main Online Poker Variants

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    A Quick Guide to the Main Online Poker Variants

    Playing online poker is not for everyone. Only those with the discipline to bet wisely, play smart and do their research will ever make money out of their passion for the game. Before you even choose an online poker site to sign up to, you should decide on the type of poker that best suits your player style and preferences. Check out the main variants of online poker below, with information on the best sites to go for each one.…