• 18/12/2017
  • Consistently Beating the Odds – How the Pros Do It

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    Consistently Beating the Odds – How the Pros Do It

    The legend of the professional gambler isn’t quite the myth it’s made out to be. I’m living proof that one can indeed live out their lives as a gambling pro, but that’s exactly what it requires – the type of dedication which turning professional in any “occupation” would require. As far as consistently beating the odds to earn our money though, how do you reckon the pros do it?…
  • 19/07/2017
  • Beginner’s Luck Comes in Different Forms

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    Beginner’s Luck Comes in Different Forms

    Novels have been written about it; movies have been made about it and philosophical concepts have been developed to try and harness it – all I know is beginner’s luck does indeed exist and there’s perhaps no better representation of this phenomenon than the different forms you see it in as it plays out in the world of casinos and gambling.…
  • 05/07/2017
  • Why Successful Entrepreneurs Can’t Resist the Thrill of the Spin

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    Why Successful Entrepreneurs Can’t Resist the Thrill of the Spin

    I really thought I’m the only one who considers himself to be a successful entrepreneur and has that somehow being interlinked with an inability to resist the thrill of the spin. The truth is that I’m not in fact the only one – it appears to be a universal thing amongst entrepreneurs who have figured out how to make it happen and for once in my life I was interested to find out just exactly why this is so.…